Booking Terms and Conditions

1. The Contract

The contract for a short-term holiday rental will be between Kate & Phil Ryan the owners of Kittiwake Cottage (referred to as ‘us’ or ‘we’) the person making the booking and all members of the holiday party (referred to as ‘you’ or ‘your’) in the following booking conditions. UK Law will govern the contract. The contract of hire is not effective until we have processed the deposit. The contract will be subject to these booking conditions, and must be complied with. The party leader must be at least 18 years of age at the time of booking and prior to arrival we must be provided with a list containing the names, ages (if under 25), postcodes and contact details of all guests.

2. Payment

Bookings are CONFIRMED upon receipt of a 30% deposit of the total booking cost. The deposit must be paid within 5 days of a booking being placed. The balance of the rental will be due for payment 8 weeks (56 days) prior to the booking commencement date. If you book less than 8 weeks (56 days) before the start of your holiday, we must receive full payment at the time of booking.

3. Changes to your booking

a) Changes by you - If you want to change any detail of your confirmed booking (e.g. date changes), we will do our best to make the changes, subject to availability. We must receive this request by email from the person who made the booking. If we are unable to make the change requested, the original booking will continue to be valid unless cancelled in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.

b) Changes by us - If in the unfortunate event we have to make changes to your booking (e.g. serious repair work needed at the property you booked) we will try to find a suitable alternative booking at another property. If this is not possible, we will refund all sums paid by you for this booking. This will be our only obligation or liability to you in such circumstances.

4. Cancellations

a) Cancellations by you

If you have to, or want to cancel your booking, you must email or phone us on 07980 310696 as soon as possible. The day we receive your notice is the date on which we will cancel your booking. We will make every effort to re-let the property and if successful we will return the total price paid by you including the deposit. 

If we are unable to re-let, the deposit and/or balance will not be returned. If we only succeed in re-letting the property for part of the period booked, we will refund an amount equal to the monies paid but the rental for the period which is not re-let, will be deducted from the refund.

We strongly recommend you have adequate insurance in place to cover yourself for cancellation. We cannot be held liable for any cancellation costs incurred by you in the event of cancelling your holiday with us.

Customer inability (or the inability of any, some, or all of your intended party) or disinclination to travel to and stay at Kittiwake Cottage for any reason.
This includes but is not limited to, illness (including Covid), a requirement or recommendation to self-isolate or quarantine, shielding, a call to jury duty, military service, incarceration, change in personal or work circumstances, family emergencies, travel delays, vehicle breakdown, and delays with public transport. These remain at your risk and do not give rise to a right to cancel or to receive a refund unless we re-let the property. You are strongly recommended to take out UK travel insurance to cover these eventualities.

If you choose not to take out UK travel insurance, then you accept responsibility for any loss that you may incur due to your cancellation.

b) Cancellations by us

We do not expect to have to make any cancellation or changes to your booking. However, in exceptional circumstances we have the right to do so. We will contact you as soon as is reasonably practical. We will explain what has happened and let you know about the cancellation or change

5. Events beyond our control

We will not be legally responsible either jointly or individually for any compensation if we are prevented from carrying out our responsibilities under this contract as a result of events beyond our control. This means an event we could not, even with all due care, expect or avoid, including: natural disaster; epidemic/pandemic, acts of terrorism; malicious damage; keeping to any law or governmental order, rule, regulation or direction; insolvency or bankruptcy of an owner; fire, flood, snow or storm; other circumstances affecting the supply of goods or services.

6. Our legal responsibilities to you

We cannot be held responsible for noise or disturbance which comes from beyond the boundaries of the property or which is beyond our control. If we know about a problem before you arrive, we will contact you to let you know. We cannot be held responsible for the breakdown of equipment such as, boilers, washing machines, nor for the failure of public utilities such as water, gas and electricity.

7. Insurance

It is the responsibility of the Customer to acquire suitable travel insurance for themselves and their party to cover the booking. We strongly recommend that the you acquire suitable insurance to cover circumstances beyond your control such as, but not limited to, jury duty, incarceration, change in personal or work circumstances, military service, illness – including Covid and shielding, family emergencies and travel delays.

Covid is now a known risk and it is possible for you to insure your holiday against it. This can include you or any of your party having Covid, you or any of your party having to isolate or quarantine, or you wishing to shield any Members of your party.
There are several options which include cover for Covid related cancellations available from organisations like Trailfinders

8. Period of Hire

You should not arrive before 4pm on the commencement date, and leave by 10am on the day of departure. Failure to do so may result in you being charged a further day’s rental. You must not use the property except for the purpose of a holiday during the holiday period, and not for any other purpose or longer period. The agreement to stay in the property for the holiday period, does not create the relationship of Landlord and Tenant between the parties. You shall not be entitled to a new tenancy, or to any assured short hold or assured tenancy or any statutory protection under the Housing Act 1988 or other statutory security of tenure now or at the end of the Holiday Period.

9. Number of persons using the property

Under no circumstances may more than the maximum number of persons stated on the web site (Four +1) occupy the property. Unless this has been pre-arranged with us. We reserve the right to refuse admittance if this condition is not observed. Any persons other than members of your party must not use the facilities at Kittiwake Cottage.

10. Liability

Kittiwake Cottage, its employees and representatives shall not be liable to you or your party for loss or damage to property howsoever arising. You must take all necessary steps to safeguard yourselves and your property.

We cannot be held responsible for noise or disturbance which comes from beyond the boundaries of the property or which is beyond our control. If we know about a problem before you arrive, we will contact you to let you know.

We cannot be held responsible for the breakdown of equipment such as, boilers, washing machines, nor for the failure of public utilities such as water, gas and electricity.

11. Care of the property

You are responsible for the property and are expected to take all reasonable care of its furniture, fixtures, fittings and effects, in or on the property. You must leave them in the same state of repair, and in a reasonable clean and tidy condition at the end of the rental period. You must not use the properties for any dangerous, offensive, noxious, noisy, illegal or immoral activities or carry on there any act that may be a nuisance or annoyance to the owner or other neighbouring properties. Smoking of any substance including vapes are not allowed inside the cottage.

12. Damages, breakages or loss

We understand that these will inevitably happen. Please do not worry about breakages to single plates / cups / glasses etc. BUT we would be grateful if you could let us know so that we can replace them in time for the next guests. We reserve the right to ask you to pay for replacement of multiple or larger items. In exceptional circumstances, we can ask for an extra payment from you to cover any related costs including extra cleaning costs.

If any appliances or facilities in the cottage are not working - we appreciate being told at your earliest opportunity so that we can arrange speedy repair.

13. WiFi

We now have superfast Internet available at the cottage. If it fails, we will do everything possible to get it reconnected but we do not guarantee availability. The speed may not be as fast as you are used to and you may not always be able to watch films or stream programmes. Please use the Internet responsibly and ensure that illegal material is not viewed or downloaded using our Wi-Fi. If our Internet service provider alerts us to any illegal activity, we are legally obliged to supply details of the guests who were staying at the time the infringement occurred.

14. Right of entry

We shall be allowed the right of entry to the property at all reasonable times for purposes of inspection or to carry out any necessary repairs or maintenance.

15. Drones, night lanterns and fireworks

The use of drones is not allowed without our express written permission. Fireworks are not allowed without our express written permission. Night Lanterns are expressly forbidden.

16. Complaints

Every effort has been made to ensure that you have an enjoyable stay. However, if you have any problem or cause for complaint, it is essential that you contact us immediately to give us the chance to resolve it. We value your custom and want you to return.

17. Pets

Pets are allowed in the property by prior arrangement. You must not allow pets on beds or furniture and you must bring suitable bedding. Any fouling in the garden or the area surrounding the property must be picked up and disposed of appropriately. You must not leave any pets unattended in the property, including in the garden. An additional charge for pets applies and will be added to the price of your holiday.

If you or any member of the party has a pet allergy, we cannot accept any responsibility for any subsequent health reaction.

18. Electric vehicle charging (see additional EV Charging Policy)

We have a dedicated pay as you go 7kw EV charging point for guests use, paid for via an app. We strictly prohibit the use of ‘Granny Chargers’ using one of our domestic 13A wall sockets or the external 13A sockets in the back courtyard. They are not specified or certified for EV charging – this practice carries significant risk of fire and/or damage to our property or your vehicle. Our insurance policy excludes cover relating to this practice and you would be fully liable for any damage caused.

19. Left belongings

We do not charge any administration fee for retrieving and packing the item but may ask for reimbursement of postage costs for larger/heavier items. We will dispose of unclaimed items left behind to charity shops after twenty-eight days

20. Communicating with you

To process your booking, we will need to collect and process personal information. We will not pass your details onto third parties. Unless it is in circumstances where third parties would need to know your personal information e.g. a baby sitter booking or a restaurant reservation, and only to the third party service provider concerned.

We reserve the right to terminate the rental or refuse a repeat booking if any of the above conditions are not observed.