Booking Information

Bookings can be made online on the Prices and Availability page.

    • 30% of the Booking Price is required when making your booking reservation.
    • Your Booking is accepted only once we issue a Booking Confirmation.

    Wow. What a special place this seems to be. From the moment we set foot inside this sweet little cottage memories of work and home have faded….tension has slowly melted away and we have felt deeply nourished by our time here.

    Claire, Chris and Milly the dog.

    North Devon

    Map of East Prawle
    SWCP logo We are 'Waymaker' Members of the South West Coast Path Association and support the work they do to protect & promote the South West Coast Path.

    Virtual Tour

    You can get a real feel for Kittiwake Cottage by using the virtual tour below. Navigate through each room and take a good look around!

    To see pictures of Kittiwake Cottage, take a look at The Cottage page.